Which John Lennon Anthem Is Your Theme Song?
Which John Lennon Anthem Is Your Theme Song?
You may say I'm a dreamer, But I'm not the only one.....
You may say I'm a dreamer, But I'm not the only one.....

Your greatest strength is your
Are you a bigger fan of John's songs as a Beatle or his post-Beatles career?
Your sense of humor can best be described as
You would describe yourself as a(n)
Your greatest flaw is your _____
Pick a Beatles Era
Who is your favorite person(s) in life?
Do you believe we are in charge of our destiny?
Your theme song is Imagine! Imagine was written by Lennon in 1971 and its lyrics encourage the listener to imagine a world at peace without the barriers of borders or the divisiveness of religions and nationalities, and to consider the possibility that the focus of humanity should be living a life unattached to material possessions. You are someone who understands that the only thing that can save us in the end is love.
Your theme song is Julia! Written by Lennon in 1968, Julia is dedicated to his mother, Julia, who died tragically when he was 17, as well as his new love, Yoko Ono. You are someone who has always felt like you're trying to reach something or someone, possibly a departed loved one. You long for some sign that they are indeed watching over you.
Give Peace a Chance
Give Peace a Chance
Your theme song is Give Peace a Chance! Written by Lennon in 1969, Give Peace a Chance was an anthem of the anti-war movement in the 1970s during the Vietnam War. You are someone who is an idealist by nature. You believe understanding and love is the answer to the world's problems.
Instant Karma!
Instant Karma!
Your theme song is Instant Karma! Written by Lennon in 1970, Instant Karma! is all about taking responsibilities for one's actions and facing the potential consequences. You are a very spiritual individual who believes we have the power to create a better life by simply trying to be a better person.
Jealous Guy
Jealous Guy
Your theme song is Jealous Guy! Written by Lennon in 1971, Jealous Guy is about Lennon's very famous jealous and controlling nature in his relationships with his wives and his professional relationship with Paul McCartney, which he tried to control later in life. You, like Lennon, feel threatened often that all you love will be pulled out from under you. Trust your loved ones and you will gain confidence in them and yourself.
Your theme song is Woman! Written by Lennon in 1980, Woman is an ode to his wife, Yoko Ono, and "for your mother, or your sister, anyone of the female race" according to Lennon. You are a very grateful individual who has had many amazing women in your life. You know you would not be the person you are today without them.
I Am The Walrus
I Am The Walrus
Your theme song is I Am The Walrus! Written by Lennon in 1967, I Am The Walrus is a sequence of numerous phrases and anecdotes created by Lennon and glued together in an attempt to confuse the music critics of the time who analyzed ever word of the Beatles' music. You are a creator by nature, somebody who refuses to follow the rules and norm.
Strawberry Fields Forever
Strawberry Fields Forever
Your theme song is Strawberry Fields Forever! Written by Lennon in 1966, Strawberry Fields Forever is Lennon's psyche set to music, a song about Lennon's hidden insecurity and loneliness. You are a very complex individual whose mind is your greatest friend and foe. You often find yourself thinking so much that you feel burnt out. When this happens, it's time to escape to your own Strawberry Fields where there's "nothing to get hung about".