Which Joker From Impractical Jokers Are You?
Which Joker From Impractical Jokers Are You?
Hopefully you're not LARRRYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!
Hopefully you're not LARRRYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!

Out of all your friends, you're the most likely to ______
What is most likely to be your catchphrase?
Which tattoo would you rather have?
Which dance do you rock at weddings?
You are mostly scared of ______
What is your most prominent feature?
Which punishment would you rather face?
If you could have one career for a day you'd be a _______
You're Murr! Among your greatest skills are giving the evil eye, looking like a crying ferret while skydiving, and having your friends mock you at all times.
You're Sal! Out of all your friends, you often are the least likely to step outside your comfort zone but that doesn't mean you can't also double dutch like it's nobody's business!
You're Joe! Out of all your friends, you're the most likely to totally embarrass yourself just for a good laugh. You have spent most of your life searching for a guy named LARRRYYYYYYYYY!!!
You're Q! You are the glue that holds your group of friends together! Even if your friends constantly tell you you look like you're homeless.