What is your number on the love scale
What is your number on the love scale
Are you a 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5? ( 1 is the lowest, 5 is the highest )
Are you a 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5? ( 1 is the lowest, 5 is the highest )
What do you think about love?
What do you think when you see this picture?
How does this make you feel?
Whats your favorite color?
Random question !!!! What months have 28 days?
You are not the loveliest person. When you think of love you think " EWWW SOO GROSS"
You don"t love that much. When you think of love you think " Id rather not talk about love, its kinda gross "
Love its ok. You might have some but you are not to sure. When you think of love you think " Ohh love im ok with that but id rather talk about games"
You like love. you think love is a fun thing to do. When you think about love you think " yay love, it is a fun thing to talk about"
YOU ARE THE LOVES PERSON EVER!!! YOU LOVE LOVE. When you thing of love you thing " YAY l love this subject!!"