Take our Dota 2 7K MMR quiz
Take our Dota 2 7K MMR quiz
This is it, you’ve worked your way up the ladder and this is your chance to start playing with the pros on a regular basis. Don’t mess it up!
This is it, you’ve worked your way up the ladder and this is your chance to start playing with the pros on a regular basis. Don’t mess it up!

Which hero says this savage voice line when meeting Legion Commander: “You realise you basically named your legion 'Third Place', right?”
Which of these heroes has the highest strength gain?
When was the Dragonclaw Hook cosmetic item for Pudge first released?
How much experience is needed to go from level 1 to level 25?
How fast does Clockwerk travel when he flies towards a target with hookshot at max level?
In the Wraith-Night event, what did the item Slippers of Halcyon do?
Which of these spells has the lowest mana cost?
What's the formula for deciding how much a buyback will cost?
How much experience does a Kobold Foreman give when killed?
If at the start of an all-pick game you random a hero, but swap heroes with someone else and then buy two sets of tangos, two Iron Branches and a Quelling Blade, will you still have enough starting money to buy a Stout Shield as well?