Which Ace are you?
Which Ace are you?
See who you are in my head
See who you are in my head

How do you feel about blood?
How often do you get angry
Do you consider yourself psychopathic?
Can you actually feel emotions?
Are you easily scared?
Are you interested in death?
What is your preferred drink?
what accent do you like the most?
Finally, are you athletic
Unlike the rest, you are a bit out there... You can have the brains of Einstein, and yet, can still act childish. Being the youngest of the group, that is absolutely acceptable. You are easily liked, yet, people still are a bit nervous around you... Yet, your brilliant Miami style ways, who will even remember to scream when you scare them, menino?
You are a leader with a chip on the shoulder, but, don't worry, weed always is a calmer.. Just kidding, dude. You just aren't a fan of death and blood, and you're high sensitivity actually is why people enjoy hanging around you. It's fun! Like your place in California, bro!
Like the rest of Jersey, you have the FUCK YOU attitude. Like what Frankie said, you did it your way! You are the easily angered guy, but most rational when it comes to it. :)
You're the old-style westerner. Texas is the bast place to sun tan and see snow on the other end. Y'all know never to question a westerner, and definitely never to challenge one, 'specially one like you. You're accent is the only one people can stand at times... Since it's the most understandable.
It's all go big or go home to you. Broadway lights, the city, and the aw's that go with it (including the accent). You can get a little carried away with your drinking, but, who cares... You are the life of the party, right?! You love your family, writing, and your fine wines and expensive beers.