Health Benefits of Blue Corn
Health Benefits of Blue Corn

Originally developed by the Pueblo Indians (the Hopi) in New Mexico and many Southerneastern tribes, blue corn is used in several traditional cuisines. From breakfast cereal to tortilla chips, blue corn has become an important part of the American Dietary with time. If you are a follower of Jane Butel Cooking, you must be aware of her Corn & Masa Products, which include Blue Corn Muffin Mix, New Mexico Blue Corn Pancake Mix, and Blue Corn Masa. But do you know about varied health benefits associated with Blue Corn? If not, keep reading below:
Full of Anti Oxidants
Blue corn gets the color from anthocyanins, a natural plant pigment, that is loaded with dietary antioxidants. As you already know, antioxidants help in the prevention of cardiovascular illness, neuronal diseases, inflammation, diabetes, and many other diseases, blue corn is your step towards healthy eating habits.
Low in Carbohydrates
All those who want to cut out carbs from their diet could add blue corn meals, especially diabetic patients. As one ounce of Blue corn serves only 15 grams of carbohydrates, without any fear, they can savor the taste of blue corn.
Anti-Diabetic Properties
As already mentioned above, Blue corn is a rich source of anti-oxidants, it has the potential to fight against diabetes. Regular consumption of blue corn control obesity and diabetes. As per a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, rats who fed upon blue corn has significantly less abdominal fat than rodents who didn’t get the blue corn.
Treat Metabolic Syndrome
Blue corn is believed to treat metabolic syndrome since it has not been proven yet. According to the same study, rates that had blue corn extract have lower systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol levels, and blood triglyceride levels. In addition to this, the study shows an increase in HDL cholesterol in rats, that ate blue corn extract.
Lower Inflammation
Blue corn carries anti-inflammatory properties. Also, the anthocyanins present in blue corn, reduce heart rate and blood pressure. It means the regulation of high blood pressure that results in heart failure, stroke, vision loss, memory loss, and kidney failure is possible.
Slow down Aging
One of the greatest concerns among everyone is aging. Blue corn has water fractions and acetate fractions that slows down the aging and rejuvenate the skin.
For delicious blue corn meal recipes, explore Jane Butel cooking classes. Also, you can order blue corn muffin mix, blue corn masa, and New Mexico blue corn pancake mix online.
Author’s Bio – The author is an online blogger. This article is about Blue Corn