What Famous Witch Are You?
What Famous Witch Are You?
Are you a good witch or a bad witch??
Are you a good witch or a bad witch??

Are you good, evil or a little in between?
What are you most likely to do in your free time?
Which outfit would you rather wear?
Where would you rather live?
Your best friend is:
Choose a book:
Pick a movie:
Pick a color
Your sister's boyfriend dumps her, you use magic to...
Do you have a familiar?
Choose a witch's altar item
Ridley Duchannes
Ridley Duchannes
Ridley didn't choose to be bad and strives to maintain a grey area, holding on to the love she has for her best friend/cousin: Lena and her goofy boyfriend. She is wild, likes suckers and uses sex as a weapon. She can also be unsure of herself, (even though she pretends to not be.) Beautiful Creatures.
Mother of Samantha and hater of Donald (LOl) she isn't evil, she is just human and uses her magic to make her life easier and more fun. She has a wicked sense of style and humor and loves her daughter and grandchildren passionately. Bewitched
Alex Russo
Alex Russo
Child "wizard" with a perchance to use magic for her own gains, but truly good at heart. She is just mischievous, a bit rebellious. She also loves her friends and family and tries to make good decisions...They just sometimes turn out badly. Wizards of Waverly Place
Hermione Granger
Hermione Granger
Smart, studious, brave, loyal and a great GOOD witch. Harry Potter
Sabrina Spellman
Sabrina Spellman
One of the original teen witches. She just wanted to be a normal girl and wound up being a powerful witch. Smart, fashion forward, and simply wants to help people with her magic. She is in a constant state of learning about her magic and herself. Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Willow Roseberg
Willow Roseberg
Willow is a sweet, shy, nerdy girl who is a very powerful witch. She doesn't just jump into magic, she studies it and then realizes she has a ton of power. For the purpose of this quiz we are ignoring evil willow and focusing on the good one, who loves passionately. Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
The White WItch
The White WItch
Evil, wants complete control and power over all in her kingdom. Not above freezing an entire world or using a little boy (and then trying to kill him), to get what she wants. The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.
Crazy evil witch who changes her head like a normal person changes her clothes. She captured Ozma and worked for the evil Gnome King. Return to Oz