QUIZ: Can You Tell The Diff Between Bargain Make-Up And Expensive Make-Up?
QUIZ: Can You Tell The Diff Between Bargain Make-Up And Expensive Make-Up?
We've put em' side by side - so can you guess which one is the more expensive product?
We've put em' side by side - so can you guess which one is the more expensive product?
Created by Nicole Douglas (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jun 29, 2016
1 / 6
One costs UNDER A FIVER, the other costs £23 - but WHICH is the most expensive?
2 / 6
The power of the shadows - one is under £10, the other is under £40 - but can you tell which one cost the most?
3 / 6
One is £21, whereas the other is just a quid.... but which is the higher price?
4 / 6
One costs £6, one costs £39 - but which cost more?
5 / 6
One costs just £8.49, and the other is £24.50 - but which one cost the most?
6 / 6
Both can blend make-up to your face - one costs £16, and the other costs 99p - but which is the most expensive one?
Questions left
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