The Ten Questions You've Always Wanted To Ask The 2016 Democratic Candidates
The Ten Questions You've Always Wanted To Ask The 2016 Democratic Candidates
November 2016 will be a hard choice for many, but this conversation will help!
November 2016 will be a hard choice for many, but this conversation will help!

We The People
Okay let's cut right to the chase here; Secretary Clinton, if elected President, what would you actually do?
Hillary Clinton
I would regulate Wall Street. I would raise minimum wage to $12 first and then to $15 later if states can afford it. I would fight for rights for Women and LGBT Americans, I would work WITH Congress instead of against them. I have a long history of getting things done on both sides and will do so as POTUS.
We The People
Fantastic. The same question to you, Senator Sanders?
Bernie Sanders
I would break up the Big Banks; I would make College possible for all (not just the wealthy), and significantly reduce student debt. I would expand Social Security, support universal healthcare, and raise minimum wage to $15 immediately for hard-working American families. The American Dream is for all, not just those who can afford it.
We The People
Great! Secretary Clinton; Do you have any regrets in terms of your long political career?
Hillary Clinton
I supported my husband's Crime Bill in the nineties; the results of which are something I regret. I'm sorry for the consequences that were unintended and that have had a very unfortunate impact on people's lives. I've seen the results of what has happened in families and in communities, and it's definitely not what was intended.
Bernie Sanders
I actually agree with Senator Clinton here; I also voted for this bill. It had the Violence Against Women Act as part of it. But it affected many African-American communities incredibly negatively. You know what I think? Maybe we invest in jobs and education for those kids, not jails and incarceration.
We The People
Senator Sanders; One thing you're promising to do is make College free, or at least affordable, for all. That sounds great, but who's going to pay for it?
Bernie Sanders
Firstly, I proposed making Public Colleges and Universities free. I would do this by taxing Wall Street's financial transactions, something that would create $300 billion in tax revenue every year.
Hillary Clinton
What he isn't mentioning here is that this plan would rely on individual States stepping up to cover some costs in the short term. I've worked with some of these people, and spend-shy Republicans just won't do that.
We The People
Secretary Clinton - One could say that your plan has the same pitfalls. How would you avoid that same situation?
Hillary Clinton
First; I'm not trying to make College free, I'm trying to make it more affordable. I'm also trying to expand the Affordable Health Care Act, trying to institute Universal Pre-School but no one seems to ask me about those things! I can't speak to specifics, but I will say that I've dealt with many stingy Republicans in my time and I'm confident I can make my plan work for every state!
Bernie Sanders
We need reform. Country wide reform. Secretary Clinton and I have many similar positions but this is where we differ profoundly. I want to change the system, ideally all of it. She wants to work within it, and so much of our Government is, in my opinion, in dire need of reform.
We The People
Senator Sanders-lets talk about guns.
Bernie Sanders
Okay sure; I think the vast majority of Americans want sensible gun control laws. I've voted for tighter Gun Laws every time they've been available. I do not believe that victims of gun violence have the right to sue the manufacturer; this sets an impossible legal precedent.
We The People
So you don't think you owe an apology to the Families of the victims of Sandy Hook?
Bernie Sanders
Frankly, no. They're taking their case to court, and I fully support anyone's right to sue. But we need to place blame on the individual where it belongs, not the company.
Hillary Clinton
With respect to Senator Sanders I have to say I don't think he's being tough enough here. 33,000 Americans are victims of gun crimes each year. We need real change here.
We The People
Secretary Clinton; what are your thoughts on Abortion?
Hillary Clinton
Politicians have no business interfering with women's personal health decisions. I fully support Planned Parenthood, and will fight for women to have access to healthcare, including safe and legal abortions.
Bernie Sanders
We agree here completely. Roe V Wade is the law of the land, and must remain that way.
We The People
Great! Okay Senator Sanders; how would you defend America against terrorist attacks?
Bernie Sanders
I think the American Military already does their job pretty well; in fact I think there are few places we could be doing more to save money and put funds into projects that are more relevant to now. We shouldn't have to live in an Orwellian nightmare to keep America safe.
Hillary Clinton
And I think that we need to empower our Military to fight Isis on every possible front. I'm all in favor of freedom, but it's the President's job above all things to keep America safe.
We The People
Excellent. Thank you both so much for this-you've certainly given us a lot to think about!