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This Golden Retriever Ate A Poisonous Toad And Got All Puffy But Has No Regrets

This Dog Is All Of Us.

Richard Mahoney
Created by Richard Mahoney
On Mar 24, 2016

Okay - just so you don't worry, this Golden Retriever is fine now. Odette the Golden Retriever has a strange and specific palette. She likes kibble, trash, worms....and poisonous toads*. But only one of those things is maybe not a good idea.*

*I mean, trash is not a great plan either, but much less likely to make you all puffy.


Odette had to get a lot of shots, and has spent a lot of time at the vet, but it's clear from her smile that she has no regrets.

Such toad, much puff, very oops.


Odette wants you to know that toad poison is a real problem, so keep an eye on your pups!

Nice going, pup!

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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