Which Classic Comfort Food Dish Should You Call Your Mom For Right Now?
Which Classic Comfort Food Dish Should You Call Your Mom For Right Now?
Ain't no cooking like Mamma's cooking! Find out what you need right now!
Ain't no cooking like Mamma's cooking! Find out what you need right now!

First; how bad has your day actually been?
What's the weather like right now?
Are you in the mood for cheese?
Do you have time to take a nap after this meal?
Is your Mom a good cook?
Do you have any siblings?
What's your favorite time of year?
What is your favorite part of dinner?
Are you on a diet right now?
Chicken Soup
Chicken Soup
Yeah it's been a bad one, and you need your Mom pretty bad! It's time to call in the big one-Chicken Soup! Not only is it delicious and soothing, but it has also been known to cure pretty much anything! Give Mom a call and we're sure she'll knock some out for you!
Mac And Cheese
Mac And Cheese
What's more delicious than mac and cheese? Probably nothing. You're in the mood for something nostalgic and comforting, and even though you can probably make it yourself no one ever makes it like Mom does!
Fried Chicken
Fried Chicken
An old favorite, KFC just doesn't cut it. Only Mom can make the perfect fried chicken, and you need her right now. Her and her delicious, perfect fried chicken.
Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup
Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup
It's cold out and you need something toasty- and some serious Mom advice. Grilled cheese and tomato soup is the perfect combo, and your Mom knows just how you crispy you like your grilled cheese!
Chocolate Cake
Chocolate Cake
Yes you can buy pretty good chocolate cake at the store, but if your Mom can bake you know that nothing will ever come close to Mom's chocolate cake! Put the diet on hold and chow down!
Meatloaf-not always the most obvious choice but your Mom makes a great one! It's meat covered in ketchup, what else could you possibly need? A very long nap, after this dinner!