You Won't Believe Who This Woman Gets To Cuddle With Every Night!

Color us very jealous!

Richard Mahoney
Created by Richard Mahoney
On Jun 16, 2016

Tanya Jones has a pretty good job. Whenever a baby Kangaroo finds themselves without a Mom, she steps in.

Look at all these adorable babies!!


It's sad that these little buddies don't have Moms anymore, but they now have Tanya, which is something. And together they all have pretty epic cuddle times.

So all in all, not a bad shake of things.


The baby kangaroos usually spend their lives in their mothers pouches, so they need to be swaddled as much as possible. So Tanya does just that; she wraps them all up in blankets and takes care of them.

Worst. Job. In the world. Oh wait-I meant BEST job.


Sadly, most of the baby Kangaroo's find there way to Tanya because their mothers have been killed by poachers for their meat

Now that is pretty darn sad.


Tanya cares for the Kangaroos for about two years, and then she releases them back into the wild. Although it's hard to let them go, she knows that they'll be happiest living in the bush. Good work Tanya. Good work.

Check out more adorable pictures of these Kangaroos here!

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021