These 12 Heartbreaking Photos Perfectly Describe What It Feels Like To Have An Anxiety Disorder
These 12 Heartbreaking Photos Perfectly Describe What It Feels Like To Have An Anxiety Disorder
Katie Crawford is an up and coming artist from Louisiana, who decided to stop running away from her anxieties, and explore them on a much deeper lever. These photographs depict a young strong-minded woman who's not afraid of showing the world what's really going on in her mind.
Katie Crawford is an up and coming artist from Louisiana, who decided to stop running away from her anxieties, and explore them on a much deeper lever. These photographs depict a young strong-minded woman who's not afraid of showing the world what's really going on in her mind.

Created by Rick Struthers
On Jan 12, 2017
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These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021