Celebrating Independence Day- Activities for kids
Celebrating Independence Day- Activities for kids

Celebrating Independence Day- Activities for kids
15th August is a very special day for us Indians. It was on this day in 1947 that our beloved nation achieved freedom from British rule, and every year all across the country we celebrate this day with patriotic fervor and glory. It is also very important for kids to celebrate Independence Day to learn about the importance of freedom, and at what cost we have achieved it for ourselves- through the blood and toil of numerous Bravehearts and freedom fighters.
On this special occasion, one might be looking for Independence Day Celebration Ideas in School. Children must be aware of the huge significance of this day and the history behind it to know their roots and to know how hard-earned the freedom that we enjoy is. For this, there are many interesting ideas and activities that students can perform and engage in school on 15th August. Here are some of the best ones.
1. Flag Hoisting Ceremony
Celebrating Independence Day feels incomplete without the flag hoisting ceremony. It is the very first thing that we do on this day in any school, college or other institution. Children in school are assembled and the tricolor is hoisted. After hoisting the flag, the national anthem is usually sung which further heightens the patriotic spirit among us all.
2. Independence-Day themed plays
Organizing group plays or skits based on the theme of Indian Independence Day is a great idea, for students who are a little older. The students may write their own script or the teachers may write it for them. The children will not only have a lot of fun while playing their roles in the play or the skit but also they will learn about their history and this will instill a patriotic feeling in their hearts. For example, they may enact a short biographical play about any of the freedom fighters, or enact a famous incident in history which demonstrates patriotic feelings.
3. Singing and Dancing Competition
This is also a great idea, for kids of all ages. Children can sing patriotic songs and also dance to them. Dressing up in tricolor-themed clothes will be fun as well as look great. It will be easier to engage younger kids to celebrate Independence Day in this way because they will not be able to do skits or plays on their own.
4. Go as You like Competition
This is one of the most interesting and exciting Independence Day Celebration Ideas in School. Children love to dress up, hence they will love participating in a fancy dress competition where they can put on costumes to look like a freedom fighter, or get dressed up in traditional wear from any part of the country. With children dressed up as freedom fighters such as Netaji, Gandhiji and so on, this activity will not only be fun but also inspire patriotic feelings among young students.
5. Showing Patriotic Movies
Movies are a great way to convey the significance of this special day. For school students, it is a great idea to screen a patriotic movie using projectors in the school auditorium. Pick a movie that shows the struggle for freedom by Indians, and students are sure to be motivated and inspired.