Which Mage Specialization Are You?

What type of Mage should you be in Shepherds of Haven?

Created by rinari (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jul 3, 2019
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It's your day off. What would you prefer to do?

Someone bumps into you in the street and causes you to drop your things. They don't turn around or acknowledge you. What do you do?

What kind of music do you enjoy?

Which would be your perfect pet?

When you were young, what did you want to grow up to be?

If you could have one of these superpowers, which would you choose?

Which was your favorite Hogwarts class?

What dominates your most-used social media?

Which color do you think your aura would be?

Are you a morning person or a night person?

Conjurer (Obsidai)

Conjurer (Obsidai)

So you're a Conjurer, or an Obsidai. This could mean you're a Conjurer of objects, a Summoner of spirits, or even a Traveler (a conjurer of yourself across distances). But you could also be a magnet for the forbidden--Endarkened and demonkind!

You are a studious and intense person on the surface, but beneath your more academic sensibilities lies a taste for danger. You actively seek out thrills and flirt with fire just to get the experience of a lifetime. You calculate risks before you take them, but your clever and intelligent persona can sometimes get you into trouble!

Shifter (Mutai)

Shifter (Mutai)

You are a Shifter--also known as a Change-Mage or a Mutai! Form is insignificant to you; you can warp the physical properties of objects or even your own body to your whims. In life this leads to a magnetic and adaptive personality; you don't mind change and actively seek a change of pace and adventure in life. Unfortunately this leads restlessness and boredom--or even dropping off your loved one's radars on occasion--but those around you find you so unique and unforgettable that they learn to put up with it.

Binder (Astrigai)

Binder (Astrigai)

You are a Binder, or an Astrigai! You use your powers to bind arcane energies and spirits to objects, artifacts, or even bodies. Steady and even-tempered, not much gets to you, and it's even hard for you to get emotional at times. Nevertheless, though you don't show your feelings much, you are a bit clingy and attached to others: you care what they think of you deeply, and you have a fear of being abandoned.

Diviner (Argentis)

Diviner (Argentis)

You are a Diviner, or an Argentis! You use your powers to pierce the veil of time and space, viewing the present, past, or future. You are mysterious and a little mystical, and people are drawn to you out of curiosity and intrigue. You are wise and far-seeing and see the bigger picture, rather than getting bogged down in the details.

Enchanter (Dulcetis)

Enchanter (Dulcetis)

You are an Enchanter, or a Dulcetis--one who uses their powers to persuade, charm, or intimidate others! You are extremely charismatic and most likely very popular: however you choose to use your magic, you are good at reading people and predicting their intentions. Emotionally-intelligent, many people seek your relationship advice; but some might distrust you if you seem manipulative.

Wild-Mage (Fera)

Wild-Mage (Fera)

You are a Wild-Mage, or a Fera! Wild-Mages exert control over animals and wildlife; this means you are an instinctive, reactive person who listens to gut instincts and intuitions just as much as facts. Your moods may be unpredictable or mercurial--at once cuddly and other times prickly or restless--but you are loyal to a fault. You will defend your loved ones tooth and nail.

Healer (Elae)

Healer (Elae)

You are a Healer, or an Elae! You are nurturing, compassionate, and caring of those around you: you may be the "mother hen" or "responsible one" in your group of friends. You can't turn away from someone in need (which may lead to some taking advantage of your goodwill) but everyone loves you for your kindness and maturity.

Elementalist (Aetherai)

Elementalist (Aetherai)

You are an Elementalist, or an Aetherai! You are one with the world around you and are a balanced, mindful soul. You may emulate the passion of fire, the restlessness of wind, the fickleness of water, or the steadiness of earth: no matter what, though, you distinguish yourself by your perceptiveness and your ability to analyze and process the things around you!

Battle-Mage (Duelki)

Battle-Mage (Duelki)

You would be a Battle-Mage, or a Duelki! Specializing in destructive and combative magic and wielding powers that can turn the tides of war, you are brave, forceful, a natural leader, and a tad reckless or impulsive. You would jump straight into a fire for your loved ones without a thought.

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