Which Futurama Relationship Are You And Your S.O.?

"Every time he says he loves me, I get killed!"

Cecily B
Created by Cecily B (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jun 10, 2015

Pick a food pairing.

Pick a literary couple.

What's the most important thing in a relationship?

Pick an adorable animal couple.

Pick a vice.

What does a normal date night look like?

Pick a Taylor Swift friendship.

What song best describes your relationship?

Pick a city to visit together.

Fry + Leela

Fry + Leela

"Fry, can we talk about our relationship?"
"Of course. Our relationship is the best thing in my life, so I'm sure I'll enjoy talking about it with you."

Congratulations, you're soulmates. You may not be the most similar of people, and you may get into a lot of arguments; but in the end, you would do anything for each other. You're head-over-heels in love!

Amy + Kif

Amy + Kif

"Amy, my love! Is it really you, or have I gone crazy from loneliness?"

You two are exact opposites. Very, very opposite. But that's what makes you so great- you found love where one would least expect it. Not to mention you two are endlessly adorable, and would do anything for the other.

Fry + Amy

Fry + Amy

"So while they're towin' us, you wanna do it?"

You may not have all that much in common, but you sure do share the same sense of casual, self-awareness that leads to some great sex. But your greater love may just be with food.

Leela + Zapp Brannigan

Leela + Zapp Brannigan

"Leela! So it's you I've been attracted to. Oh God, I've never been so happy to be beaten up by a woman."
"Let's do it again sometime."

You may have a regrettable history. You may get into a lot of arguments. You may say the other is stupid, immature, or selfish. But hey- when you need to, you make a great team. Provided the other person isn't screwing things up.

Fry + Bender

Fry + Bender

"You really want a robot for a friend?"
"Yeah, ever since I was six!"

You're not only each other's significant other, but you're best friends. You can do anything around this person without judgement. They're your partner in crime, and you'll be together for life, through thick and thin.

Hermes + Labarbara

Hermes + Labarbara

You're at your most reasonable when you're around each other. You're both sweet, caring, and responsible. You love each other unconditionally- but, you don't really get into all that much trouble anyway. If you as a couple could be described in one word, it's "content".

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