What Type of Nurse Are You?
What Type of Nurse Are You?
Participate in the “What Type of Nurse Are You?” quiz to help us celebrate American Nurses Association's National Nurses Week: May 6-12, 2017. This non-scientific quiz is a fun way to figure out your nursing personality!
Brought to you by RNspire, a nurse appreciation program from Cardinal Health.
Participate in the “What Type of Nurse Are You?” quiz to help us celebrate American Nurses Association's National Nurses Week: May 6-12, 2017. This non-scientific quiz is a fun way to figure out your nursing personality!
Brought to you by RNspire, a nurse appreciation program from Cardinal Health.

What is your favorite mid-shift snack?
On my way home from a tough shift I:
My favorite part of my job is:
Who do you identify with in the world of medical TV?
How do you stay energized during a long shift?
The Ray of Sunshine
The Ray of Sunshine
You are the unstoppable silver lining at work. Your energy and enthusiasm lightens up a room no matter what you’re doing. You became a nurse because it’s what you were meant to do, and your passion and compassion grow every day. While you may think no one notices, your patients and fellow staff appreciate your refreshing attitude more than you know – shine on!
The Cool Cucumber
The Cool Cucumber
You are the definition of the cool, calm and collected nurse. Eight new admits in the past 30 minutes? No problem. Even when the demands of nursing are high, you never let anyone see you sweat. Your coworkers and managers can trust you to deliver difficult news, take charge in an emergency or make even the most difficult patient feel at ease. Keep on keepin’ it chill and remind everyone else to stop sweating the small stuff!
The Mother Hen
The Mother Hen
Every floor or shift has a matriarch/patriarch and we’re happy to report it’s you! You may be the butt of playful “parent” jokes, but your caring presence and watchful eye help every shift run smoothly. Whether it’s bringing an extra snack for the person who always forgets, going the extra mile for a patient or listening when someone really needs to talk, you make your nursing cohort feel like a family.
The Professor
The Professor
Working with you means nursing school is never really over, and we mean that in the best way! You use your knowledge for good, and instead of the “all of the above” questions we always dreaded in school, you create teaching moments from everyday situations. Not only do nurses benefit immensely from your wealth of knowledge, but your patients are likely more involved in their own care. We could all learn a thing or two from you!