We HAVE To Talk About President Obama's DNC Speech Last Night!

It was one for the history books FOR SURE

Rob Abbott
Created by Rob Abbott
On Jul 28, 2016

President Barack Obama addressed the Democratic National Convention last night, but the message he had was for the whole nation; Hillary Clinton must be our next President.

Obama taking the stage to give his address


The President was clear with his message; Hillary isn't just the best option, she's the ONLY REAL option

Seriously. No one.


Obama addressed the few disgruntled Bernie supporters at the convention directly, pointing to Clinton's distinguished service record and her willingness to try

Say what you like about Clinton; she tries!


Obama, usually known for his reserve, did not mince his words on Donald Trump.



And Obama did not stop there...

Trump is going to need some ointment for them burns!


Finally, the President returned to his initial point; Hillary Clinton is truly the only qualified candidate for President.

She's been running the country since there was one


Thank you, President Obama, for your wise words. I, for one, will miss having such a badass President in the White House!

Although hopefully Hillz will be just as badass as Barack!

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