Which Kyuss Album Are You?
Which Kyuss Album Are You?
Your love for Kyuss is strong and deep down, you've always wanted to know the answer to the question, "which album am I?".
No? Never? Well find out anyway!
Your love for Kyuss is strong and deep down, you've always wanted to know the answer to the question, "which album am I?".
No? Never? Well find out anyway!
Do you rate this bloke?
Who is this guy?
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What do you think of beards?
You are Wretch! You are the living embodiment of Kyuss finding their sound and style. Many people who claim to be your friends actually dislike you because you're not like "The Big Three" but you know, they're just goddman sons of a bitch who would love to have a bad bitch on a big bike, yeah!
Blues For The Red Sun
Blues For The Red Sun
You are Blues For The Red Sun! You're the moody teenage Kyuss who wears a lot of black and growls their way through the shifting moods of life. You've been burned by life's lighter and that lighter is held down by your thumb!
Sky Valley
Sky Valley
You are Sky Valley! Mainly this just means you're a fucken Space Cadet.
...And The Circus Leaves Town
...And The Circus Leaves Town
You are Circus! You are the mature, adult Kyuss. You're into making art, mainly abstract shit out of clay but everyone knows, you are the Tangy Zizzle caught up in a crossfire Hurricane!