What Is Your "Oh, Look A Shiny Thing!" Score?

Time to face the "Oh-a-shiny-thing-ometer" to see how your attention deficit matches up ..... if you can concentrate long enough that is .......

Robert Bell
Created by Robert Bell (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Pick a Jewel ...

The Sun or The Moon?

You see a Penny on the ground, what do you do?

Pick a Game ....

Reality or Fantasy?

Pick a Film ....

Nemo or Dory?

Pick a Song ...

Your best friend is telling you about how they have just bought a new carpet when you spy someone wearing a Gold Pendant at the next table, what do you do?

Pick an animal ...

Pick a flower, a plant or a tree ...

You're at a Wedding, watching the ceremony at the point when the rings come out, what do you do?

The Oh-a-shiny-thing-ometer has spoken and you score 0%

The Oh-a-shiny-thing-ometer has spoken and you score 0%

Our heartiest congratulations, you are one in a million ...
You have the concentration levels to be a Chess Grand Master, you are like a Hunting Owl, eyes fixed to the prize, mice beware!

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The Oh-a-shiny-thing-ometer has spoken and you score 10%

The Oh-a-shiny-thing-ometer has spoken and you score 10%

Just the slightest twinge of oh-look-a-shiny-thing syndrome, how we would love to be a fly on the wall as your iron resolution takes on some poor salesman trying to sell something you don't need, you are the only winner ....

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The Oh-a-shiny-thing-ometer has spoken and you score 30%

The Oh-a-shiny-thing-ometer has spoken and you score 30%

So you are still on the right side of the fence, maybe you have bought some clothes or shoes you didn't really need, but hey bet you enjoyed it at the time ...

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The Oh-a-shiny-thing-ometer has spoken and you score 50%

The Oh-a-shiny-thing-ometer has spoken and you score 50%

So you are sometimes prone to lose concentration and sometimes straight as an arrow, well sounds good to us, bet life is never dull around you?

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The Oh-a-shiny-thing-ometer has spoken and you score 60%

The Oh-a-shiny-thing-ometer has spoken and you score 60%

Oh dear you seem to have tipped over just a little to the shiny side, but hey think of all those pennies you've collected off the ground, all the shoes you've bought I'm sure will one day go with the outfit you probably will get the urge to buy.
Smile, life is after all about freedom of choice ...

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The Oh-a-shiny-thing-ometer has spoken and you score 75%

The Oh-a-shiny-thing-ometer has spoken and you score 75%

You are a serial shiny thing addict, but just about have kept control, so you'll never play Chess or concentrate on boring conversations, remembering when to say "yes" and "No" at the right time .... sounds fine to us .....

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The Oh-a-shiny-thing-ometer has spoken and you score 90%

The Oh-a-shiny-thing-ometer has spoken and you score 90%

Oops it's probably a wonder you are still actually reading this at all, bet you got that itchy feeling around question 6?
So you start things all the time and never quite get round to finish them, who cares it doesn't really bother you and you are quite happy in yourself anyway ....
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The Oh-a-shiny-thing-ometer has spoken and you score 100%

The Oh-a-shiny-thing-ometer has spoken and you score 100%

OMG congratulations not only did you score an incredible 100% but you actually made it to this point, we thought you'd give up before question 2.
Never mind so you see the world a little different to most people, full of new and exciting things,we need people like you ..... Oh look over there , a SQUIRREL!!

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