Which Australian Deadly Animal Is Most Likely To Kill You?
Which Australian Deadly Animal Is Most Likely To Kill You?
Have You Ever Wondered Which Of Australia's Deadly Native Species Is Most Likely To End Your Life, Simply Answer A Few Questions About Your Personality To Find Out (This Could Be Very Important) ......
Have You Ever Wondered Which Of Australia's Deadly Native Species Is Most Likely To End Your Life, Simply Answer A Few Questions About Your Personality To Find Out (This Could Be Very Important) ......
What are you most looking forward to visiting in Australia?
OK you've arrived on your holiday in the beautiful country of Australia, how often have you been away on holiday in the last year?
Pick A Film ......
What is your favourite season?
Pick an Australian Group or an Artist ...
So you are spending a day at the beach, what activity are you mostly doing?
Pick an Australian Actor ....
Oh dear, you get lost with no food, but hey Australia's bountiful Mother Nature comes to the rescue, which of these would you choose to eat?
You pay a big deposit to hire a boomerang (which always comes back) and guess what, first throw the Boomerang doesn't come back and you lose it , what do you do?
Pick an Australian Actress ...
Luckily not all animals in Australia are deadly, which of these is your favourite?
Australia is of course famous for Barbies (Barbecues), but which of these would you prefer to eat cooked at the Barbie?
The Coastal Taipan
The Coastal Taipan
Oh dear your answers tell us the animal you are most likely to run into is The Coastal Taipan - Deadly Rating 9/10
Coastal Taipans occur only in Australia and the island of New Guinea. This snake is the world's third-most venomous snake.
It's venom contains primarily taicatoxin, a highly potent neurotoxin affecting the nervous system and the blood’s ability to clot. Bite victims may experience headache, nausea/vomiting, collapse, convulsions, paralysis, internal bleeding, myolysis (destruction of muscle tissue), and kidney damage. In case of severe envenomation, death can occur as early as 30 minutes after being bitten, but average death time after a bite is around 2.5 hours and it is variable, depending on various factors such as the nature of the bite and the health state of the victim. Untreated bites have a mortality rate of 100% as it always delivers a fatal dose of venom.
The good news is the antivenom works, the bad news is no antivenom, no hope.
So you have been warned the next time you visit the Wonderful Land of Oz beware "The Coastal Taipan" and have a great time, even the Garden of Eden wasn't perfect .......
The Box Jellyfish
The Box Jellyfish
Oh dear your answers tell us the animal you are most likely to run into is The Box Jellyfish - Deadly Rating 9/10
In Australia, fatalities are most often perpetrated by the largest species of this class of jellyfish, Chironex fleckeri. Angel Yanagihara of the University of Hawaii's Department of Tropical Medicine found the venom causes cells to become porous enough to allow potassium leakage, causing hyperkalemia, which can lead to cardiovascular collapse and death as quickly as within 2 to 5 minutes.
Once a tentacle of the box jellyfish adheres to skin, it pumps nematocysts with venom into the skin, causing the sting and agonizing pain.
Box jellyfish are known as the "suckerpunch" of the sea not only because their sting is rarely detected until the venom is injected, but also because they are almost transparent.
So you have been warned the next time you visit the Wonderful Land of Oz beware "The Box Jellyfish" and have a great time, even the Garden of Eden wasn't perfect .......
The Blue-ringed Octopus
The Blue-ringed Octopus
Oh dear your answers tell us the animal you are most likely to run into is The Blue-ringed Octopus - Deadly Rating 9/10
In Australia blue-rings occur in shallow coastal waters and can be relatively common in areas frequented by beach-goers. Bites are usually reported as being painless. Often the victim doesn't even know that they had been bitten.
Within five to ten minutes, the victim begins to experience parasthesias and numbness, progressive muscular weakness and difficulty breathing and swallowing. Nausea and vomiting, visual disturbances and difficulty speaking may also occur. In severe cases, this is followed by flaccid paralysis and respiratory failure, leading to unconsciousness and death due to cerebral anoxia.
So you have been warned the next time you visit the Wonderful Land of Oz beware "The Blue-ringed Octopus" and have a great time, even the Garden of Eden wasn't perfect .......
The Sydney Funnel Web Spider
The Sydney Funnel Web Spider
Oh dear your answers tell us the animal you are most likely to run into is The Sydney Funnel Web Spider - Deadly Rating 9/10
With highly toxic venom produced in large amounts and large fangs to inject it, the Sydney funnel-web is without a doubt the deadliest spider in Australia, and possibly the world.
Found in New South Wales, in forests as well as populated urban areas, they burrow in humid sheltered places. They can wander in backyards and sometimes fall into swimming pools, and though they're not often encountered, they can be quite aggressive when threatened. Though just 1 to 2 inches long, the Sydney Funnel-web has fangs larger than a brown snake's and so powerful they can even pierce through nails and toenails. Their venom has a compound that can attack the human nervous system and alter the functioning of all organs and, when coming from a male, can kill.
So you have been warned the next time you visit the Wonderful Land of Oz beware "The Sydney Funnel Web Spider" and have a great time, even the Garden of Eden wasn't perfect .......
The Marble Cone Snail
The Marble Cone Snail
Oh dear your answers tell us the animal you are most likely to run into is The Marble Cone Snail - Deadly Rating 10/10
The Marbled Cone Snail is often listed as one of the 10 most deadliest animals on the planet never mind Australia. This reputation is all caused by a deadly chemical these little snails can emit. Interestingly enough, this venom is the same neurotoxin that is produced by the deadly Blue-Ringed Octopus, which generally causes loss of coordination, intense pain and typically a very unpleasant experience., The potency of this cone snails neurotoxin is enough to kill 20 humans with one small drop. In fact, this is why the Marbled Cone Snail is referred to as the cigarette snail…you will only have enough time to smoke one cigarette if you are injected with this toxin. I am pretty sure you wouldn’t want your tombstone reading “Death by Snail”.
So you have been warned the next time you visit the Wonderful Land of Oz beware "The Sydney Funnel Web Spider" and have a great time, even the Garden of Eden wasn't perfect .......
The Bull Shark
The Bull Shark
Oh dear your answers tell us the animal you are most likely to run into is The Bull Shark - Deadly Rating 9/10
The Bull shark is responsible for the 3rd most attacks on humans. According to the International Shark Attack File (ISAF) these sharks are most likely to be involved in attacks after great white sharks and tiger sharks. There have been 104 recorded bull shark attacks in the past 150 years of which a third were fatal.
The bull shark is considered the most dangerous shark in the world by many experts. This is because unlike other potentially dangerous sharks the bull shark is only found in shallow waters. And this is exactly where they are likely to come across humans, including at some of the world’s best known beaches.
It is widely thought that the shark attacks that inspired the Jaws movies may have been down to a bull shark. The infamous Jersey Shore shark attacks of 1916 left four dead and one injured. Whilst there were no further attacks after an 8ft (2.5m) great white shark was caught in the vicinity some experts do not believe this was the culprit. The reason is one of the attacks, in Matawan Creek, was a considerable distance from the sea and freshwater. Great Whites are not known to enter freshwater whereas bull sharks are often found in rivers and lakes.
Bull sharks have the highest recorded bite force for their size amongst all shark species measured
So you have been warned the next time you visit the Wonderful Land of Oz beware "The Bull Shark" and have a great time, even the Garden of Eden wasn't perfect .......
The Red-headed Mouse Spider
The Red-headed Mouse Spider
Oh dear your answers tell us the animal you are most likely to run into is The Red-headed Mouse Spider - Deadly Rating 7/10
There are eight species of mouse spider found all across Australia and they're typically found in burrows, often near rivers or waterways, and can occasionally be found in suburban areas. Their venom is similar to the funnel-web spiders.
Studies have shown the funnel-web spider antivenom to be effective for mouse spider envenomation; and because it is sometimes difficult to tell the two species apart, the bites should be treated with the same precaution.Mouse spiders are rather lethargic and rarely aggressive. The females generally remain in their burrow, while the males wander looking for them, generally in late summer to early winter. Unlike other spiders, mouse spiders are often active during the daytime, while other species from the same family prefer to wander at night to avoid the heat and the day-active predators.
Although the Antivenom works we here think we'd probably die of fright anyway if we saw one of these horrors crawling up our chest .....
So you have been warned the next time you visit the Wonderful Land of Oz beware "The Red-headed Mouse Spider " and have a great time, even the Garden of Eden wasn't perfect .......
The Saltwater Crocodile
The Saltwater Crocodile
Oh dear your answers tell us the animal you are most likely to run into is The Saltwater Crocodile - Deadly Rating 10/10
The Saltwater crocodile is the largest living reptile, and a truly fearsome beast. Growing up to 21 feet long, they are the undisputed masters of the waterways of Australia and Southeast Asia. They are apex predators, feeding on almost any living thing that they encounter. Despite the name, most saltwater crocodiles usually prefer freshwater.
Saltwater crocodiles are not picky about what they eat, and have been known to attack humans. It is rumored that they might be responsible for more predatory attacks on humans than any other animal, rivaled perhaps only by the Nile crocodile. In 1945, during the Battle of Ramree Island, hordes of saltwater crocodiles are said to have killed 400 Japanese soldiers retreating through the swamps.
So you have been warned the next time you visit the Wonderful Land of Oz beware "The Saltwater Crocodile" and have a great time, even the Garden of Eden wasn't perfect .......