Which Character From "The Exorcist" Are You?
Which Character From "The Exorcist" Are You?
Which Personality Traits Do You Possess Along With One Of The Characters In This All-time Classic Horror, Let's Find Out .....
Which Personality Traits Do You Possess Along With One Of The Characters In This All-time Classic Horror, Let's Find Out .....
So you are a famous Film Star, but which of these parts would be your dream role to play?
Pick a Statue ......
You're playing with a Ouija Board, nobody is touching the planchette and it starts spelling words by itself, what do you do?
Which of these people would you most like to possess?
Pick a Spider .....
So you've volunteered to perform an Exorcism, what are you thinking before you enter the house?
Pick a Film ......
Pick a Soup .....
Which of these people would you least like to be possessed by?
The Horror is finally over, you need a holiday, which of these locations are you going to visit?
Pick a Superstition ......
You are Regan
You are Regan
Your answers show you have the personality of Regan MacNeil ...
You are childlike, inquisitive and innocent though easily led and open to manipulation.
At the end of the story we do find out you have an amazing inner strength and tremendous bouncebackability .......
You are Chris
You are Chris
Your answers show you have the personality of Chris MacNeil .....
You are epitome of all that is maternally great in a person, strong and caring and willing to do anything for your child ....
Though you may not fully understand all that is going on around you, you are fully adept at seeking answers and not averse to trying whatever it takes.
Steadfast and full of energy you are truly inspiring .....
You are Father Merrin
You are Father Merrin
Your answers show you have the personality of Father Merrin ....
You are inspirational, afraid of nothing, you fight evil wherever it may be and are never willing to take a back seat and be a bystander.
Though it could actually end in the ultimate sacrifice you will help others to the Nth degree .... you are a true hero .....
You are Father Karris
You are Father Karris
Your answers show you have the personality of Father Karris ....
In the past you were in fact a boxer and your street-fighting abilities are always on display.
Though you may have troubles of your own to deal with and have to indeed fight your own very human demons, you are selfless to the core and a wonderful person to know, if only the world were full of more people like yourself, we salute you ....
You are Lt Kinderman
You are Lt Kinderman
Your answers show you have the personality of Lt William Kinderman ....
You are highly intelligent and able to grasp the situation going on around you with only the slightest of clues.
You have inner humanity which many in your position seldom display, you care for your fellow man and don't see your job as a chore but as an exercise in making the world a better place, you are awesome .....
You are Burke
You are Burke
Your answers show you have the personality of Burke Dennings .....
Sadly we don't see too much of you for one reason or another, but what we do see is you are eccentric, artistic and great fun to be around.
You are a very good friend of Chris and no doubt many others, reliable and always ready to diffuse any situation, we need more people like you ......
You are Sharon
You are Sharon
Your answers show you have the personality of Sharon Spencer ....
Not only are you a great assistant for Chris and tutor to Regan you are seen as a very good friend.
You have a natural knack for being around to help out whenever you are needed and your quick wits and shoulder are a Godsend ....
You are The Pazuzu
You are The Pazuzu
Your answers show you have the personality of The Pazuzu ....
You are indeed a Demon and a very good Demon at that, no doubt at Demon School you were top of the class.
You are persistent and always ready to go that extra mile to make mortals life a real hell on Earth.
You have a real penchant for being foul-mouthed and your only real good trait is there's never a need to refrigerate the milk when you are in town ...