Which Magical Cat Should Be Your Companion This Halloween To Help Fight Off Evil Spirits?

It's Halloween and the evil spirits and Hobgoblins are on the prowl, but you'll be OK because a magical cat will be your companion this year, but which one? Simply answer a few questions and let's find out?

Robert Bell
Created by Robert Bell (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Pick a Pumpkin ....

Pick a Spirit ....

What's your favourite ingredient in a Pumpkin Pie?

Pick a Film ....

Pick a Treat ....

Pick a Colour

Do you Believe in Ghosts?

Pick a TV Show ....

If you were a witch for the night and could use one spell that would last till dawn, what would you use it to do?

Your companion this Halloween should be Crookshanks ...

Your companion this Halloween should be Crookshanks ...

Yes for one night only Hermione Granger should give you a loan of Crookshanks.
It was said when she got nobody wanted him, the fools.
With his ability to spot untrustworthy people no evil spirits or Hobgoblins no matter how well disguised would dare come near you this Halloween and hey Crookshanks is brilliant for cat cuddles ....
Happy Halloween!!

Your companion this Halloween should be Salem Saberhagen ...

Your companion this Halloween should be Salem Saberhagen ...

Yes this Halloween Sabrina the Teen Witch should loan you Salem.
Over 500 years old Salem is indeed probably the wisest cat that ever lived and the most loyal.
We are sure Salem would be the ideal companion for you this Halloween and would fight (and talk) to his last breath against any evil spirits or Hobgoblins who may come a rap-tap-tapping at your door,.
And bonus just think of all the laughs you'd have with all his hilarious one-liners .....
Happy Halloween!!

Your companion this Halloween should be Binx ...

Your companion this Halloween should be Binx ...

We think the ideal companion for you would be Thackery Binx though you would have to fight with his very good friend Dani, no mean task indeed.
Turned into an immortal cat by that fiend Winifred he has no time whatsoever for evil spirits and Hobgoblins so would fight tooth and nail if any came near you this Halloween and protect you till his last breath .....
Happy Halloween!!

Your companion this Halloween should be Jake ...

Your companion this Halloween should be Jake ...

Your ideal companion this Halloween would be Zunar-J-5/9 Doric-4-7, better known as Jake to his friends (the cat from outer space) and you with your happy-go-lucky nature would surely quickly become best friends with Jake.
Armed with his special collar Jake would easily dispel any evil spirits or Hobgoblins who came near you and we are sure your friendship would be "out of this world" .......
Happy Halloween!!

Your companion this Halloween should be Pyewacket

Your companion this Halloween should be Pyewacket

Your ideal companion this Halloween would be Pyewackit.
Various stories surround the history of this cat saying he was a familiar to a real-life witch detected by The Witchfinder General way back in the 17th Century, lost in time he later became the familiar of Gillian Holroyd and has even turned up in video games.
We are sure what ever form he turns up in he would look after you this Halloween and easily help defeat any evil spirits or Hobgoblins who turned up at your door. If you do manage to track him down be sure to say hi for us ....
Happy Halloween!!

Your companion this Halloween should be Cosmic Creepers

Your companion this Halloween should be Cosmic Creepers

We feel your ideal companion this Halloween would be Cosmic Creepers, and what a team you and him would make.
His mere presence helped inspire Miss Englantine Price defeat the Nazi's during the Second World War armed with just Bedknobs and Broomsticks, so beating away any evil spirits and Hobgoblins this Halloween should be a walk in the park for you two, be careful he is sensitive regarding new people but with your loving nature we are sure he will make an exception in your case ...
Happy Halloween!!

Your companion this Halloween should be Mrs Norris

Your companion this Halloween should be Mrs Norris

Mrs Norris from Hogwarts School would make a wonderful companion for you this Halloween.
Ok so she does give the Grumpy Cat a run for his money, but hey would any evil spirits or Hobgoblins dare come anywhere near to feel the full wrath of Mrs Norris's hiss and spite.
But I'm sure your own delightful nature will soon win Mrs Norris over and to you alone she will purr like ..... well a cat obviously ....
Happy Halloween!!

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021