Which Villain from the 1960's Batman TV series are you ?
Which Villain from the 1960's Batman TV series are you ?
Let's find out through a series of simple questions just which of the Guest Villains from the 60's classic Batman series most fits your personality, let's begin ........ na na na na na na na na etc, etc ..
Let's find out through a series of simple questions just which of the Guest Villains from the 60's classic Batman series most fits your personality, let's begin ........ na na na na na na na na etc, etc ..
You have been transported back to the year 1966, what are you going to miss most about your life in todays world ?
Which of these Bat gadgets would you most like to steal ?
Pick a colour ....
Which of these words do you most associate with ?
Pick a weapon ....
Which of these famous 1960's singer's voices would you most like to steal so you could sing like them ?
Pick a film from the 1960's ....
Do you secretly love/admire Batman's skin tight costume ?
Even a villain needs to take a holiday now and again, so which of these destinations do you most fancy visiting to plot your world domination ?
Which of these 1960's TV programmes would you like to relax watching whilst taking a rest from being a villain ?
As usual you have been captured by Batman and sent to Gotham State Penitentiary, whilst you plot your escape which of these jobs would you most like to do in the prison ?
After you have retired from your life of crime, which of these Actors/Actresses would you like to play you on the big screen ?
You are the Penguin ...
You are the Penguin ...
You are the personification of The Penguin, the Waddling Master of Foul Play. You are a true aristocrat and a ladies man of the highest order, proud to be the Super Villain you're modesty knows no beginning.
Ever the bird fancier in today's world you would no doubt be the Master of the Tweet and wouldn't the ladies love you for it ?
For someone with the real name Oswald Cobblepot you have gone far, sadly too far and generally end up in prison for your troubles. life as a criminal mastermind isn't always what it's quacked up to be after all .....
You are the Joker ...
You are the Joker ...
You are the personification of The Joker, the clown prince of crime.
Always up for a laugh, you are the person who sure knows how to get the party started. Ever ready to see the funny side you love to play practical jokes on your friends, your enemies and pretty much anyone who gets too close.
So some you win, some you lose, who cares you are a free spirit with a natural ability to bounce back and make more mischief .........
You are the Riddler ...
You are the Riddler ...
You are the personification of The Riddler, the Enigmatic Egotist.
Of all the villains Batman must defeat you are without doubt the most intelligent but without even more doubt the most psychotic.
Completely deranged not only must you commit crimes but also leave a trail of clues to get caught ...... oops.
Never mind as a friend you are much sought after .... if only to help finish crosswords .....
You are Mr Freeze ...
You are Mr Freeze ...
You are the personification of Mr Freeze, the world's most chilled out master criminal.
You may be forced to live in sub-zero temperatures but that really is no excuse to have a heart as cold as ice is it ?
Racked with revenge you have but one redeeming feature your appreciation of Diamonds (ice) but must you spend all your time trying to steal everyone else's ?
You are Marsha, Queen of Diamonds ....
You are Marsha, Queen of Diamonds ....
You are the personification of Marsha, Queen of Diamonds, or Marsha Jackson to those he know you.
Obsession is a word bandied about to many who really aren't that obsessed at all, step up you though. Once plain old Marsha Jackson but now someone who actually calls herself "The Queen of Diamonds !" You are in fact a nutter, plain and simple using love darts to ensnare poor weak-willed men to love you, have you ever tried laughing at our rotten jokes, that generally does it for me .....
You are Nora Clavicle ...
You are Nora Clavicle ...
You are the personification of Nora Clavicle, supposed fighter for women's rights, but be you not the suffragette you claim to be but in fact a totally insufferable criminal mastermind intent of making everyone's (man or woman) life a misery.
Ok so you are indeed a charmer with a penchant for telling great big whopping lies and getting people to do your bidding, well Mz Clavicle in life not only will this behaviour earn you a place in Gotham Penitentiary but all your friends will give you the cold shoulder, you have been warned ........
You are the Siren ...
You are the Siren ...
You are the personification of The Siren, the lady with the voice of an angel but the mind of a devil.
So you can sing 7 octaves and mesmerize men, but must you insist on making poor souls jump in lakes and off buildings, that's just showing off.
Anyone with a fascination for Lucrezia Borgia and Lady Macbeth gets my vote for bampot of the year ....... albeit a particularly gorgeous bampot ......... OMG you got me ......................
You are Catwoman ...
You are Catwoman ...
You are the personification of The Catwoman, the Princess of Plunder.
Bad, bad pussy, why do you act so evil, you have a mind of a professor, the looks of a glamour model and the charm of .... well err a bad, bad pussycat.
Milk it girl, milk it, nobody's purrfect .....