What Obscure Animal Are You Most Like?
What Obscure Animal Are You Most Like?
You've seen those "ordinary animal" quizzes, where you end up like a dog or a cat. This quiz has nothing like those ones. We're talking only weird animals, that are the kind of obscure creatures that make you go, "What is that?". Are you like any of these?
You've seen those "ordinary animal" quizzes, where you end up like a dog or a cat. This quiz has nothing like those ones. We're talking only weird animals, that are the kind of obscure creatures that make you go, "What is that?". Are you like any of these?
Want to go for a swim?
You're at a party. You...
When people meet you for the first time, they...
Some like it hot. Do you?
What do you do for fun?
Pick a movie. If you don't like any of these choices, pick one anyway.
You are the Tardigrade.
The tardigrade, or "water bear", is a very very small, microscopic animal that lives on moss and tries to avoid being noticed. This means you are shy, and don't like attention. You also prefer cold temperatures to hot, and don't tend to be social. But that's OK. Tardigrades are important... just in their own somewhat obscure way.
You are the Okapi.
The okapi is a species of giraffe. But it looks like a mix between a zebra and a jackal. This means you are a jack of all trades. You can fit in with all kinds of people. But you don't really fit in with anyone. You are too unique, and no one else is like you. You also like to be outdoors, and if possible, do something natural.
You are the Blobfish.
That's not a compliment. Blobfish live 4000 feet below the sea level and look normal in their environment. But when you get them out of their comfort zone (above water), they look like this unhappy guy up here. This means that you don't do well in difficult situations. You are introverted and don't like to be around others. There have been many unpleasant instances in your past. But the good thing is, you also have learned to be flexible and try to go with whatever happens.
You are the Axolotl.
The axolotl, or the "Mexican walking fish," is an energetic little guy who goes here, there and everywhere. You can't sit still, can you? At a party, you get onto the dance floor and get down. This makes it hard for you to concentrate on things, and you can easily get distracted. Nervous energy runs in your DNA. Settle down! Or at least use your energy for something productive.
Venezuelan Poodle Moth
Venezuelan Poodle Moth
You are the Venezuelan Poodle Moth.
The Venezuelan Poodle Moth is a hairy, misunderstood insect. While it can fly like any other bug, it doesn't fit in with the other insects. This means that you truly are unique, but not always understood by others near you. Don't give up. Be who you are. There is a certain charm and captivation that you have, even if others cannot see it at first.
Venus' Girdle
Venus' Girdle
You are the Venus' Girdle.
The Venus' Girdle is a flat, transparent sea creature that can actually be quite long (up to five feet). Sneaky, unseen, somewhat devious, and it really doesn't have a brain or any other muscles. This means you are the type of person who stands by yourself at the wall in a group and hopes that you aren't noticed. You may not be particularly bright. But, you make up for it by unusual talents and traits that you have. As well as funny things you can do. Be who you are, and don't worry about what anyone else says or does.
Leaf-Tailed Gecko
Leaf-Tailed Gecko
You are the Leaf-Tailed Gecko.
The Leaf-Tailed Gecko is the master of disguise. It can blend in on a tree because, well, it's tail looks like a leaf. It's head does, too. This means you naturally blend in and mingle with other people. You "fit in" with your surroundings quite well, no matter what. You are the quintessential friend, the go-to-guy (or girl), and one who is comfortable in any situation. Just don't go climbing trees with your friends, because they may not see you and leave you there.
You are the Pangolin.
The Pangolin is an armored anteater. It likes hot places, and always keeps its guard up. It can curl up into an armored ball if need be. This means that you are a person who keeps your defenses up. Perhaps you are easily wounded, and so you must have armor for it. While you are harder for people to know the "real" you, you are also one who can hold your own against anyone. You are strong, tough, and you like it hot. A piece of advice. Not everyone wants to attack. Let some people in.