10 Questions You've Wanted To Ask A Trans* Person

Spoiler Alert; We just want to be able to pee somewhere!

Rob Fairchild
Created by Rob Fairchild
On Apr 20, 2016

Cis Person

Cis Person say

So.... Hi! What do I call you?

Trans Person

Trans Person say

Well, you could start with my name! In terms of pronouns, I use Male pronouns-so He, Him, or His.

Cis Person

Cis Person say

Wait so-what are pronouns?

Trans Person

Trans Person say

They're a part of language, ways we can refer to each other in common conversation.

Cis Person

Cis Person say

I don't understand-why does it matter what I use?

Trans Person

Trans Person say

It's an issue of respect more than anything-if you tell me your name is Andrew and I decide to call you Paul just because-it would be disrespectful.

Cis Person

Cis Person say

Well; that's my name.

Trans Person

Trans Person say

Right. And that's my gender.

Cis Person

Cis Person say

Okay. What if I get it wrong? Like, what if I accidentally use Female pronouns for you?

Trans Person

Trans Person say

Honestly; it happens. People mess up. That's okay. Just apologize, self-correct, and move on. No one expects you to be perfect all the time. What they do want you to do is be respectful and make an effort.

Cis Person

Cis Person say

That's it?

Trans Person

Trans Person say

Yeah. It's pretty straight forward. I'm a human, just like you, and all I want is respect. That's it.

Cis Person

Cis Person say

Okay. Why can't I ask about your name? Or your privates?

Trans Person

Trans Person say

My name is my name. It's the one I gave you when you asked for it. I don't have a 'real' name, or an 'original' name. And as for the genitals thing; honestly? It's just rude. Would you ask literally anyone else about their genitals?

Cis Person

Cis Person say

No-I guess not.

Trans Person

Trans Person say

All you need to remember is that I'm a person. It sounds really simple, and that's because it honestly is. I'm a person, who happens to have a gender different from their sex.

Cis Person

Cis Person say

So wait-sex and gender aren't the same thing?

Trans Person

Trans Person say

No. Your Sex refers to the way you were born, your gender is the way that you express yourself. These are my definitions by the way, and are part of an ongoing conversation. I'm not perfect and I don't have all the answers for you.

Cis Person

Cis Person say

What do I do if I meet a Trans* person in real life?

Trans Person

Trans Person say

Be nice! Or just be respectful. Don't barrage them with questions. Remember, no two people will ever be the same. We're all different, and we're all human - just like you!

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