11 Things You Can Do When The Wi-Fi Goes Down

Yes, it sucks, and yes, it'll come back.

Rob Fairchild
Created by Rob Fairchild
On May 9, 2016

We all know that feeling, when you're happily surfing the web and then suddenly, out of nowhere-IT'S GONE. The Internet disappears. And all of your devices are useless.


What do you do now? Time stretches out before you like a vast wasteland. You have nothing downloaded. You are a floating on a buoy in an ocean of endless minutes punctuated by only one thing; you're longing for wi-fi.

Or-you could do some of these things.

You could read a book:

Warning; Beach not included. But reading is good, and fun, and makes you smarter!


You could do some exercise!

Treadmills are still wi-fi free!


You could cook yourself some delicious food!

Though of course you'd have to know the recipe already-maybe try one of those books!


You could spend time with friends!

Real people! Remember them?


You could spend some time organizing the next few weeks!

Book some tickets to that thing! Make reservations in places! Or just do a whole bunch of laundry!


Take a walk in nature!

This is also another one to do with friends! Outside is nice and full of good smells and clean air!


You could call your parents and thank them for all of the good things they've done for you!

Because they probably did many good things, and you definitely don't call them enough.


You could spend some time with your pets!

Pets! Completely three dimensional and interactive!


You could spend some time meditating!

It's great for stress!


Or you could spend your time screaming at tech support until they get your wi-fi back up and running. Totally your choice.

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