5 Reasons Why You Should Care About What's Happening In Turkey Now

Violence has erupted in the Capitol amidst a reported Military Coup

Rob Fairchild
Created by Rob Fairchild
On Jul 15, 2016

A Military Coup has been attempted in Istanbul tonight.

It remains unclear who controls Turkey, but what we do know is there has been widespread instances of violence across Istanbul and Ankara.


The Lira, Turkish currency, has all but collapsed in the last twelve hours.

The Lira has dropped five points since the violence began.


The airport, major bridges, and all public transport have been closed down.

Eye witnesses have reported being told to "stay home" by soldiers on the streets.


Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have all been blocked. Martial law and a curfew have been instated across the country.

President Erdogan is safe and in hiding. He claims that these attempts 'will not succeed' but it is unclear how he plans to retake control.


Turkey is now in the hands of a "Peace Council", but no one seems to know who's on this council.

We pray everyone in Turkey stays safe, and that this incident is resolved quickly and peacefully.

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