As The Magic School Bus Gets A Reboot Here's What The Original Cast Looks Like Now!
As The Magic School Bus Gets A Reboot Here's What The Original Cast Looks Like Now!
Netflix is bringing back our childhood favorite complete with Kate McKinnon! Ever wondered what happened to the original cast in their post-bus life? We have the answers!
Netflix is bringing back our childhood favorite complete with Kate McKinnon! Ever wondered what happened to the original cast in their post-bus life? We have the answers!
Are you ready to get back on the bus?! Put on your seat belts everyone!
youtube embed goes here!
Good, growing up is the worst.
Netflix recently announced a reboot of the beloved classic starring none other than Kate McKinnon as the fantastic Miss Frizzle! But what about the original cast? Ever wonder about where they are now?
Wonder no longer!
Arnold Perlstein was played by Danny Tamberelli
Keesha Franklin was voiced by Erica Luttrell!
Carlos Ramon was voiced by Daniel De Santo!
Lisa Jai voiced by Wanda Li!
Ralphie Tennelli voiced by Stuart Stone!
We can't wait to see our favorites come back for another ride on the magic school bus?
Can you?!