Donald Trump Spent Easter Weekend At His Mar A Lago Resort For The Seventh Weekend In A Row; Is He Wasting Tax Payer Money?
Donald Trump Spent Easter Weekend At His Mar A Lago Resort For The Seventh Weekend In A Row; Is He Wasting Tax Payer Money?
Trump criticized Obama when he was in office for travelling and playing golf; in his first a hundred days, Trump has almost surpassed Obama's entire travel budget whilst he was President. Is he wasting tax payer money?
Trump criticized Obama when he was in office for travelling and playing golf; in his first a hundred days, Trump has almost surpassed Obama's entire travel budget whilst he was President. Is he wasting tax payer money?
Donald Trump spent Easter Weekend at his Mar A Lago resort in Florida
Trump touches down
Barron and Melania joined Trump at the resort, as did Eric, Don Jr, and Tiffany.
Barron and Melania touching down.
Is Trump wasting tax payer money? Is he violating ethics rules?
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Is Trump violating ethics laws?
Is Trump violating ethics laws?
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