This Is The Moment A Baby Elephant Hugs His Dying Mother With His Trunk

A mothers love transcends species; be prepared to pull out the tissues

Rob Fairchild
Created by Rob Fairchild
On Aug 22, 2016

Sokotei knew something was wrong with his Mom Cherie. He started pacing around her nervously as she lay down. Being a baby Elephant, there was nothing he could do but comfort her

The pair live at The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in the Nairobi National Park


Wildlife Volunteers noticed that Cherie was unwell and later diagnosed her with a twisted gut due to infection. There was nothing they could do to save her. Cherie lived longer than expected, holding on as long as she could to stay with her little one.

Sokotei comforts his dying mother


As Cherie dies, Sokotei lays his trunk across her. He's grieving already, but he won't leave her side until he absolutely has to.

RIP Cherie


It's been two years since Sokotei lost his mother that fateful night, and he's never forgotten her-but he's doing well!

Growing well!


Sokotei lives in an orphaned Elephant nursery, so he isn't alone, and he gets to wear snazzy jackets! You can see more of Sokotei on the show "This Is Life", coming soon! We're so glad you're doing well little buddy, and we know your Mom would be so proud of you!

Just hanging out, eating some leaves!

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