What Maplestone House do I belong in?
What Maplestone House do I belong in?
Take this quiz to be sorted into your house for when you begin your attendance at Maplestone Academy, school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Are you up to the challenge of being sorted? Let's find out!
Take this quiz to be sorted into your house for when you begin your attendance at Maplestone Academy, school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Are you up to the challenge of being sorted? Let's find out!

What is your favorite time of day?
You find a box of intriging artifacts. What are you most likely to choose?
When you are travelling do you...
You hear a yelp from a darkened alley as you are walking home. Do you...
What smell is most attractive to you?
What sort of magic are you most eager to learn?
What do you value most in a friend?
What lesson do I most need to learn in life?
Earth Dragon
Earth Dragon
Congratulations on being sorted into the House of the strong and stable Earth Dragon. This is the house of those who serve as anchors for others around them, a shelter of sanity in the storm of chaos. Members of this house are always the most rational, practical, and well grounded of all the houses.
Colours: Green & Gold
Element: Earth
Sacred Tool: Coin
Symbols: Dragon, Coin, Tree
Motto: Strength & Stability (Robur et Stabilitas)
To register, visit www.maplestoneacademy.ca
Airy Owl
Airy Owl
Your wise answers have placed you into the House of the Airy Owl. Known for their wisdom, intelligence and calm demeanors, members of this house are the most studious and reflective of Maplestone's students. It is not uncommon for others to seek out those of the owl for their sage advice, or even help on their tests!
Colours: Yellow & White
Element: Air
Sacred Tool: Sword
Symbols: Owl, Sword & Quill Crossed
Motto: Wisdom & Reflection (Sapientia et Meditatio)
To register, visit www.maplestoneacademy.ca
Welcome to the house of the Firecat! Your bold and robust opinions make you an ideal leader of others, and places upon you the mantle of guardian over those around you. The tempestuous Firecat is known for leaping into action, and for its fiercely protective nature.
Colours: Red & Gold
Element: Fire
Sacred Tools: Wand
Symbols: Cat, Wand, Flame
Motto: Leadership & Guardianship (Ductus et Custodia)
To register, visit www.maplestoneacademy.ca
Icy Direwolf
Icy Direwolf
Congratulations on having been sorted into the most welcoming house, that of the Icy Direwolf! Contrary to it's name, those of this house are warm of heart, and focused on their families, and caring for the ones they love. They are also the most adaptable house, able to adjust to even the most difficult of situations.
Colours: Blue & Silver
Element: Water
Sacred Tool: Chalice
Symbols: Dire Wolf, Full Moon, Chalice
Motto: Family & Adaptability (Gens et Accommodatio)
To register, visit www.maplestoneacademy.ca
Mystic Unicorn
Mystic Unicorn
Rarest of all, you have been sorted into the house of the Mystic Unicorn. Those called to this house are deeply connected to their spiritual natures. Maplestone students belonging to this house often become the best of diviners, and the best spiritual guides to others.
Colours: Violet & Silver
Element: Spirit
Sacred Tool: Cauldron
Symbols: Unicorn, Spiral, Cauldron
Motto: In the Service of the Divine (In Ministerium Divinitas)
To register, visit www.maplestoneacademy.ca