What Sister Location Character are You?
What Sister Location Character are You?
Play to find out!
Play to find out!

Female or Male?
Mean or Nice?
Attack Method.
Favorite Color?
You are a leader of some sort but no one really cares for what you say or they don't listen to you. You are friendly and trust people. You have a dark side though.
You don't like many people and prefer being alone. You are quiet and don't trust others. You have few friends but you are well known.
Funtime Freddy
Funtime Freddy
You are adventurous and like to have your friend at your side. If you see something, you would want to check it out a bit more. You love making new friends and you are social.
Funtime Foxy
Funtime Foxy
You don't like being surrounded by others and rather be just with people you know. You are nice but your temper is high.
No one really knows you...
You are adventurous and like to check stuff out. You and your friends want to be the best and like to compete. You have your boss though, and they keep you from doing some of the things you would like to do.
Angsty Teen
Angsty Teen
"Okay here we are. You can get out or stay. Whatever. Do what you want."