Is he worth it?
Is he worth it?
Have a go at this quiz and you'll soon find out!
Have a go at this quiz and you'll soon find out!
Has he ever stood you up?
Does your stomach go all squidgy when you see him?
Could you stand being stranded on a desert island with him?
Does he look after you when you're ill?
Are you more important to him than his mates?
Can you tell each other everything?
When you're out together does he eye up other girls?
More importantly, do YOU look at other boys?
Would you give him your last Rolo?
Do you love him?
Mostly A"s
Mostly A"s
On the surface you seem to be made for each other, but do be careful you're not getting too serious too soon. It's unhealthy to spend all your time with just one person and could lead to all kinds of trouble if one of you wants to 'break free' later on. Don't neglect your friends for each other or you'll regret it.
Mostly B's
Mostly B's
Yes, he's worth it and he thinks you are too, so hang on to him! You've struck a brilliant balance - agreeing on most things but with enough differences to keep it interesting. This could last a long, long time. Lucky you!
Mostly C"s
Mostly C"s
Come on! You KNOW he's not worth it! Where's your sense of self-respect and adventure? There re loads of better boys just waiting to meet you - if you'd only dump old misery guts and get out and about. You can't WANT to stay with someone who thinks so little of you. . . CAN you?