What Destiny Class Are You?
What Destiny Class Are You?
The three classes in destiny can create harmony and crush the darkness. But which class are you of the three?
The three classes in destiny can create harmony and crush the darkness. But which class are you of the three?

Put your hand out, is your hand moving?
What Element is like you. Choose an element.
Choose a Race.
Choose A Sub-Class Part 1
Choose A Sub-Class Part 2
Choose A Sub-Class Part 3
Choose A Raid.
Choose A Faction
What is your favorite destination?
You encounter a crowd of taken, what do you do?
You are the last one alive during the vault of glass in the templar on normal mode. What do you do?
Choose a thing below.
Choose a exotic hand cannon.
Which one of these words best describes you.
Choose a weapon.
You find a legendary engram but then when it becomes decrypted it turns into a green. How do you react.
You pick up the spark in rift. (A game mode in the crucible). What do you do.
You encounter a new area you have never been into that looks dangerous, what do you do.
Final Question. Choose a phrase below.
You are a warlock, a wizard of mystical magic that can only be harnessed by a warlock. Warlocks are very smart but weak at the same time. Warlocks are very curious about the world though, and especially curious about guns. Warlocks will always find their way around a problem. A warlock's weakness though is that it is very weak and has only so much health. Be Brave
You are a hunter, a lone ranger in the wild. Hunters are humorous assassins of the wild, they will try to explore the depths of anywhere anytime. These hunters are a mix of strength, smartness, and agility. But, the weakness of a hunter is that they will often not work together with other people. Be Brave
You are a titan, the wall of the tower. Titans are the disciplined, brave, heros. Titans are basically bullet sponges and will absorb bullets like marshmallows, but since they are so strong it makes it hard for them to be fast. A titan always defends his team mates, the darkness fears the Titan with his strength. Be Brave