Warrior Princess Quiz
Warrior Princess Quiz
Your inner Warrior Princess!
Your inner Warrior Princess!
What power do you wish to have?
A young hunter is flirting with you in the woods. You....
Which fruit do you prefer?
Weapon of choice?
Pick your poison.....
Greek or Roman?
What do your friends think of you?
What color is your aura?
Where would you like to live as Princess of the land?
And lastly, what tool is the most useful?
Sexy/Sadistic Princess
Sexy/Sadistic Princess
You are the Sexy/Sadistic Princess! You have an evil inside you, a malicious dark side. Everything for you is lust, power and evil. You follow only those who are worthy and as the seductress of The League of Evil Princesses you need to. You are the most beautiful of your kind for centuries and it helps you win. That evil glint your eye, that sexy swagger that makes you, well, you.
Evil/Dark Princess
Evil/Dark Princess
You are the Dark/Evil Princess! As the Leader of the League of Evil Primcesses you are extremely powerful. All they see is your seething mass of black energy and totally miss the broken girl inside. You have seen so much and are so wise yet your sad, dark soul haunts you. You lead the evil as a power to be feared. Never again shall you be hurt.
Light/Brave Princess
Light/Brave Princess
You are the Light/Brave Princess. You are the leader of The League of Good a princesses. You are smart and a hardcore leader. You are extremely protective and have so much going on at once. You can handle so much, yet you take little time for your own problems. You are completely selfless. You are very powerful and have the potential to be the most powerful Princess in Centuries.
Powerful/Cunning Princess
Powerful/Cunning Princess
You are the Powerful/Cunning Princess! You are tricky and cunning as they come. The leader and the one with the control. You are a happy,tricky soul and love to torment all who cross you. You pick only the strongest to complete your circle and you are no fool. You are not one to look lightly at things. Everything you are about is of the courage and protection you wish to give to others. Your heart is one of pure gold, what few people know is you have a darker side to you, however.
Mysterious/Stealthy Princess
Mysterious/Stealthy Princess
You are the Stealthy/Mysterious Princess! You are sneaky and smart. Everything you do creates an enigma. You stay quiet and offer moral support from the back row, always watching, listening. You are the dark corner no one ever looks in you are a spy. You are the Sentry off The Dark Princesses League. You are a powerful and dangerous force to trifle with.
Intelligent/Kind Princess
Intelligent/Kind Princess
You are the Intelligent/Kind Princess! You are sweet and intelligent and know just how to read people. People love you and you make others happy. You love what you do and put everyone else's needs over others. You are compassionate, caring and complex. You are the weak link if the light Princesses League, but they love you anyway.