Fallout 4 Advanced Faction Quiz
Fallout 4 Advanced Faction Quiz
This the definitive quiz to determine your faction in Fallout 4
This the definitive quiz to determine your faction in Fallout 4
After waking up to another day in the commonwealth what do you do?
You come across a stranger who is close to death, what is your plan?
You are called to arms, what weapon to you grab?
You are dying and your friends are standing around you, what are your last words?
What is your opinion on synths?
You open your backpack, you need to drink something, what is it?
What is most valuable to you?
And finally, what is your favourite colour?
Brotherhood of Steel
Brotherhood of Steel
You diligently fight to protect technology from falling into the wrong hands, you protect the people of the commonwealth forcefully for the greater good. You believe synths are abominations and should be destroyed
Commonwealth Minutemen
Commonwealth Minutemen
You are a citizen soldier, standing for your neighbours and their freedom, you would protect any innocent person regardless and fight anyone who endangers the free life of the people
You fight for the Synths, you believe they are people and their enslavement is wrong. You would help anyone who needs it but you are mainly underground working to free synths.
The Institute
The Institute
You are a somewhat devil's advocate fighting for the advancement of mankind, and that one goal only. You do not believe Synths should have rights and do not believe the settlements on the surface are the future of mankind