Which Star Wars Fundraiser Are You?
Which Star Wars Fundraiser Are You?
Is the Fundraising Force strong with you? Are you a CFRJ (Certified Fundraising Jedi?)? Take this test and find out...
Created by: Rory Green, Simon Scriver, Steven Shattuck & Andrew Littlefield
Is the Fundraising Force strong with you? Are you a CFRJ (Certified Fundraising Jedi?)? Take this test and find out...
Created by: Rory Green, Simon Scriver, Steven Shattuck & Andrew Littlefield
How would your fellow fundraisers describe you?
Choose your weapon.
In a fight you...
How do you spend your weekends?
I love you.
Princess Leia the CEO
Princess Leia the CEO
You are Princess Leia - the CEO!
You're a natural leader. You inspire others to do their best and be their best. You are bold - and not afraid to fight evil in all its forms, from the empire to non-donor-centric fundraising approaches. Keep being awesome, and try not to make out with your brother.
Han Solo the Small Shop Fundraiser
Han Solo the Small Shop Fundraiser
Smart, resourceful and independent: you are Han Solo the small shop fundraiser. You do what needs doing to get the job done. You aren’t afraid of getting your hands dirty – or using your charisma to get your way. Let’s be honest – the millennium falcon – and your charity – just wouldn’t fly without you.
Also, you totally shot first
C-3PO: Prospect Researcher
C-3PO: Prospect Researcher
You are a master of logic, and your head is full of information. You are C-3PO the prospect researcher. Your ability to dig up small details makes you valuable to your team. You don’t always get the credit you deserve – but you are a vital part of your team!
Also, you know the possibility of successfully raising money without good stewardship is approximately 3,720 to 1.
Luke Skywalker the Major Gifts Officer
Luke Skywalker the Major Gifts Officer
You are Luke Skywalker the Major Gifts officer. You are adventurous, eager (maybe sometimes too eager) and you really – REALLY – want to make a big difference in the cause. You know the best way to do that is to go after the big fish – even if that takes a long time (or three movies). To be successful you will need to learn to trust your instincts, and the force. Sometimes that means going in without all the facts and that with the blast shield down, you can't even see!
Yoda: Board Chair
Yoda: Board Chair
You are Yoda the Board Chair. You are wise and you have been in this game a long time. You have learned to use the force for good and are interested in passing that down to future generations. Though, if we are being honest – you can be a bit harsh. Like, when you said to us “Do or do not, there is no try” – You know what Yoda – I did try. The whole fundraising team tried. Just because we didn’t meet goal this year doesn’t make us bad fundraisers – OK?!?!?! WHY DON’T YOU GET OFF MY BACK YODA.
Admiral Ackbar
Admiral Ackbar
A veteran commander, you led the defense of your oceanic home world, Mon Cala, during the Clone Wars, and the Rebel cruiser assault of the Battle of Endor during the war against the Empire.
Also, you know that IT'S A TRAP!
Please stop walking around the office yelling that. Or "It's a FRAP!" When Sheila gets a blended coffee beverage. Or "It's a WRAP!" when meetings end.