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How Similar Are You And Your Sister?

Are you and your sister identical soulmates or could you not be any more different? Find out and SHARE with your sis!

Rosemary Hoyt
Created by Rosemary Hoyt
On Mar 29, 2017

Do you get along with your sister?

What's the age difference between you and your sister?

Did you and your sister share clothes?

What's the one thing you WON'T share with your sister?

Do you and your sister share a group of friends?

Which of these activities would you most like to do with your sister?

What's the one activity you would NEVER do with your sister?

Do you and your sister ever finish each other's sentences?

Do people often confuse your names?

Are you ever mistaken for twins?

Can you tell what you sister is feeling even when you're apart?

Complete the sentence: My sister is my _______

You're 100% identical!

You're 100% identical!

Based on your answers we found that you and your sister are so incredibly alike, you might as well be twins! You do everything together, share all of your possessions and always put each other first. You're best friends since you were little and couldn't imagine a world in which the other doesn't exist!

Share your result with your sister!

You're 60% like your sister

You're 60% like your sister

Based on your answers, we found that you're more like your sister than you think! Sure, you have your differences and you don't share every single thing in your life, but you're very close and tend to have similar tastes, likes and dislikes. You're both strong individuals who share the same passion for life!

Share your result with your sister!

50% like your sister

50% like your sister

Based on your answers, we found that you and your sister are the ultimate combo. Sometimes known as "double trouble", you and your sister agree on enough things to get along, and disagree on enough things to keep each other on your toes. Sure, you bicker, and don't always love to share, but at the end of the day, you're just two peas in a pod!

Share your result with your sister!

40% like your sister

40% like your sister

Based on your answers we found that you're not too similar to your sister, but share some core values and opinions. Your tastes may differ and you're not always on the same page with each other, but when push comes to shove, you're there for each other and can see things from each other's perspective.

Share your result with your sister!

70% like your sister

70% like your sister

Based on your answers we found that you and your sister are incredibly alike! From your tastes to your personal thoughts and opinions, you and your sister nearly share one brain! You are incredibly close to your sister, and often know just what she's thinking. You thoroughly enjoy each other's company and can talk on the phone for hours. Your sister is your BFF and you're proud of it.

Share your result with you sister!

10% like your sister

10% like your sister

Based on your answers, we found that you and your sister couldn't be more different! Both strong, independent individuals, you and your sister don't really share the same tastes, thoughts or styles, but that's what makes you so great! You learn a lot from each other and are forced to look at things from each other's perspectives. You're both good communicators and even though you're not always super close, you share a strong bond and know that you'll always be there for each other, no matter what.

Share your result with your sister!

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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