This Triangle Test Can Assess If You're An Introvert, An Extrovert Or An Ambivert
This Triangle Test Can Assess If You're An Introvert, An Extrovert Or An Ambivert
Can we triangulate your personality?
Can we triangulate your personality?

Pick a triangle color that you feel best represents you:
Pick a triangular shape:
Pick a triangle size:
Pick a pattern that makes you feel most creative:
Pick a direction in which the triangle is pointing:
Pick the star that appeals to you most:
Pick a texture that makes you feel most secure:
Pick a triangular food that you find most comforting:
You're an extrovert!
You're an extrovert!
You enjoy social interaction and get your energy from being around others. Typical extroverts thrive at social events - they come across as enthusiastic, talkative, and assertive and are likely to enjoy being the centre of attention at a party. Time spent alone is less rewarding to you, so you will always be motivated to make social plans and might suffer from major FOMO. At work, extroverts prefer working in groups and are more prone to boredom when by themselves. Although you can be a great leader and team member, you can get carried away with a plan and might jump into something before thinking it through thoroughly.
You're an introvert!
You're an introvert!
You prefer solitary activities to being around others. A night in with a good book will appeal to you far more than a night out at a party. However, being an introvert doesn’t necessarily make you shy. Introverts may cope well with socializing and dealing with unfamiliar situations, but might be more predisposed to quiet consideration and self reflection during and after social events. Although they might be less interested in meeting lots of new people or being in large groups, introverts value their close friends and relationships and are likely to be loyal companions. You prefer to work alone and will think through a plan thoroughly before taking action.
You're an ambivert
You're an ambivert
You fall somewhere in the middle of the extrovert-introvert spectrum. Ambiverts gain energy from both time spent with others and time spent alone. Socializing and meeting new people may be important to you, but you also value time for yourself. Typically, ambiverts are good socializers, as they keen to talk as well as listen to others. In the work place, you make efficient and adaptable worker as you are able to work well alone and within a team.