Which Doctor Who Companion Are You?
Which Doctor Who Companion Are You?
Which New Who companion are you? Maybe you're Rose, maybe you're Clara. Take his quiz to find out!
Which New Who companion are you? Maybe you're Rose, maybe you're Clara. Take his quiz to find out!

What are you most likely doing on a Friday night?
What is your favorite catchphrase?
How would your friends describe you?
Which would you rather be eating right now?
Pick a color
What would you do if your crush asked you out?
You're lost in a forest at night. All by yourself. What do you do?
What is your favorite animal?
Favorite place to shop for clothes?
What is your dream vacation?
Rose Tyler
Rose Tyler
You're diligent, curious, and perky. You enjoy an adventure and never give up on what you've started. You can come across as a bit harsh, but really all you want to do is just make things better. (FYI the Doctor loves you with all of his hearts)
Martha Jones
Martha Jones
You're sweet and dangerous. Hard work is your favorite. You will never give up something you strongly believe in. Even though you're more of an introvert, you are definitely not afraid to voice your opinion.
Donna Noble
Donna Noble
Sassy and bold. You're Donna Noble. You've got quite a temper, but you're also very smart and compassionate. With a personality like yours, you can be very easy to get along with; as long as that person is not on your bad side.
Jack Harkness
Jack Harkness
People look at you and see a flirt, but deep down you have a strong sense of sympathy. You're always looking out for the ones you love and people can always depend on you. Everybody loves you and no wonder why, just look at you!
Amy Pond
Amy Pond
You're Amy Pond! You're pretty, tough, and daring. You're quite mysterious and don't like to open up about your feelings, but you're very good at covering it up. You're beautiful and adventurous.
Clara Oswald
Clara Oswald
You're very brave. Everybody wants you on their side because you're easily known as loyal and warm-hearted. You are a strong person who everyone would love to call their friend.
Rory Williams
Rory Williams
You're Rory. Loyal, sarcastic, and compassionate. Great qualities. You're a very quick learner and can be pretty clever at times. You've got a great sense of humor which people really like about you.