Can You You Identify These 12 Classic Sitcom Houses?
Can You You Identify These 12 Classic Sitcom Houses?
How well have you been paying attention to your favorite TV shows?
How well have you been paying attention to your favorite TV shows?

This looks like a nice suburban house. What show is it from?
Looks old. It's not even in color!
Look at all that foliage...I would need a gardener to live here.
This house looks nice. But I'm not sure I could keep all those windows clean.
This house looks cute. But probably only cartoons could live in it.
I like the station wagon on the street in front of this house.
Classic architecture - probably pretty expensive.
Ah, this looks like a peaceful place to live.
Technically, this isn't a house. But it is a residence.
That is a very flat hedge.
Here's another typical suburban house.
This is a lovely estate. Very posh.
Here's a Hint: This house had blue trim when it aired on TV