What Do You Look For In Someone?
What Do You Look For In Someone?
First One
First One
What photo looks more appealing?
Which describe your crush most?
It is your first date you have to choose: Home or Restaurant?
What Element?
Everyone is dying but you can save one person who will it be?
Looking For A Creative Mind
Looking For A Creative Mind
You are looking for a creative mind. Some who is arty. May be they dance, maybe they draw. Only you know... Be wise when looking at creative people, the beauty they show in their art may not be as beautiful as their soul.
Look For Beauty
Look For Beauty
Although this is shallow. It is not at the same time. Figure out what sort of beauty you're looking for and see for yourself how shallow you are..
Looking For Pureness
Looking For Pureness
The pureness in the soul is key. Wise choice...