Which Animal Are You Most Like?

Find out which animal your personality matches with!

Rosie Winters
Created by Rosie Winters (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jun 5, 2016

What activity do you most like to do?

What one word would your friends use to describe you?

Where would you most want to live?

What is your favorite type of music?

Do you eat meat?

Do you work better in a group or by yourself?

What strategy would you use when playing an online game?

How would you describe your everyday clothes?



You are a wolf! You have an inner wild side and thrive in the outdoors. You work very well in a group and function your best when around other people. You are intelligent, know how to get what you need, and have a strong sense of intuition. You are very loyal and good with communication. You have a very strong spirit and a desire to be free from anything holding you down. On top of that, you have a lot of stamina and motivation to keep pushing ahead and get things done.



You are a lion, ruler of the animal kingdom! You are strong and a natural born leader. People look to you for guidance and to get things done. However, you are sometimes inclined to be prideful and a bit vain. You are still courageous and fierce! You won't let anything stand in your way!



You are a dolphin! You are playful, energetic, and an all-around nice person. You are also very social and like to be in a group. You are the one who always brightens up a room and never is seen without a smile. Your positive energy is motivation for lots of people around you. You always seem ready to help others!



You are an owl! You are a symbol of wisdom and it's no wonder why. You are very intelligent and always the voice of reason. You prefer to be by yourself, something you can totally manage. You have a very calm demeanor and are well aware of your surroundings. You have a quiet power that many people respect you for. You have a great sense of integrity and always does what is right.



You are a deer! You are a quiet, graceful creature who always thinks before acting. You are very cautious and never want to hurt people's feelings. You are delicate and sensitive which contribute to your motherly instincts. You aren't a fighter; you try to remain neutral and keep the peace. You are very protective and a natural caregiver! People know they can come to you when they are hurt and when they need a shoulder to cry on.



You are a squirrel! You are full of energy and definitely show it! You are always motivated to do things and have an amazing work ethic. You have a positive attitude that infects other people. You are pretty social and like to spend time with others. You have an enthusiasm for life that rarely seems to falter. People like to hang out around you because there is never a dull moment!



You are a bear! You are a very strong person, both physically and mentally. You like to do things your way and you don't care if people disagree. You mostly like to spend time by yourself, but it doesn't kill you to hang out with other people. You are very protective of the ones you love. You are very outgoing, unique, and never afraid to be yourself!



You are a snake! You are very crafty, sneaky, and creative! You are well aware of your surroundings and a pro at adapting to anything that is thrown your way. You are smart and sly. You aren't gullible, but sometimes people have a hard time trusting you. You mostly spend your time alone, but you are very good at creating new things. You have a huge well of creativity, and you are interested in things such as music, writing, art, drama, etc. which you share with other people!

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