Which Influential American Political Leader Are You Most Like?
Which Influential American Political Leader Are You Most Like?
Are you living the American dream?
Are you living the American dream?

Do you identify more with the Republican or Democratic party?
Which one of these is your favorite President?
Which one of these causes is most important to you?
What would your scandalous secret be?
If needed, would you use violence or force to achieve your goals?
What is the most important quality in a strong leader?
Is honesty always the best policy?
Finally, do you think it's important that political leaders have a military career?
Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin
You're a non-conformist at heart, and a truly innovative thinker. You stand up for what you believe in - not for the glory, which you shy away from - but because you want the world the to be a better place. You're a jack of all trades, with a variety of strengths and interests which you pursue vigorously. This makes you a great adviser and visionary for all those around you.
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Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
You are a true patriot who really understands the value of democracy. You have tremendous foresight, which causes you to make meaningful decisions that may impact the course of history. Your intelligence and persuasive manner of speaking make you a true force to be reckoned with. You exemplify the values of a true intellectual and thoughtful person.
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Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan
You believe that the best way to be a good person is to be down-to-earth and relatable. You understand that intelligence is an important quality in a leader, but you find folksy charm and a regular upbringing to be the corner stones of true greatness. You see tremendous potential in your fellow Americans, and would like to see them work hard and pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
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Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
You are a fearless and courageous leader who understands that it is more important to be just than beloved. You truly value equality among people, and are willing to do anything to make that a reality. Although you tend to shy away from the limelight, you are willing to be pushed into leadership positions to help make a difference in the world. You put your all into making your big dreams a reality.
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Susan B. Anthony
Susan B. Anthony
You're one of the few people in this world who is willing to roll up their sleeves and put their idealism to the test. You refuse to hide behind editorials and fancy speeches, and prefer to get actively involved in your cause. You believe in the fundamental rights that all people share, and that no one should be left behind by their nation. You are an ambitious go-getter, and you refuse to allow opponents to deter you from fighting for what you believe in!
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Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson
You strongly believe that American leaders should be regular Americans. You have a deep appreciation for the ways and the culture of this people, and believe that it fundamentally guides us towards goodness. Your humble beginnings taught you that what is most important in life is strong core values and a sense of tradition. At times this belief may get the best of you, even pushing you into sticky situations, but ultimately it causes you to make the best decisions for those that rely on you.
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