How much common sense do you have?
How much common sense do you have?
Are you clever? Lets find out!
Are you clever? Lets find out!

If a red man lives in the red house, Blue man lives in the clue house, and the green man lives in the green house, who lives in the white house?
A plane crashes on the boarder of Mexico. Do you burry the survivers?
There is a hole 12 feet by 2 feet by 3 feet. How much dirt is in the hole?
Your friend convinces you to run a race with him/her. You pass the person in 107th place. What place are you in now?
Can a person living in America be buried in Canada.
And Finally... This isnt a common sense question I just wanna see if you could get this right it wont effect your answer same as the next one... What is something you always want but never get?
Same as this one... won't effect ur answer... How did you like this quiz?
Perfect common sense!!!
Perfect common sense!!!
You have perfect common sense and can pass almost any brain teaser!!!
A little common sense
A little common sense
You kinda get these questions but not entierly.
No common sense
No common sense
U stupid