Guess which of these brands is Russian
Guess which of these brands is Russian
Some of the country’s brands look foreign while some are unmistakably Russian, but can you tell them apart?
Some of the country’s brands look foreign while some are unmistakably Russian, but can you tell them apart?
Let’s start with clothes. Can you find the Russian brand among these?
What about Russian sportswear?
Now guess which is NOT a Russian brand…
Which country owns this company?
And this one?
You probably heard that Russians like to drink tea with lemon. But which of these is real Russian tea?
It’s hard to imagine a Russian salad without tons of mayonnaise. Can you guess which is the Russian sauce?
The office supplies of this brand are very popular in Russia. Can you guess which country produces them?
Any idea which is the Russian cosmetics brand here?
Which of these home electronics makers is Russian?
The last (and most difficult) question. All of these brands read like Russian names, but which is authentic?