What Emoji Are You?
What Emoji Are You?
See what emoji you are. Text more with YOU in it!!!
See what emoji you are. Text more with YOU in it!!!
What's your personality?
What gender are you?
What mobile phone brand do you use?
Overly Happy Emoji
Overly Happy Emoji
You are the "Overly Happy Emoji (😃). This means that you are always happy about random things. Ranging from finishing work before your friends do to getting a golf ball. You will smile.
Love Heart Emoji
Love Heart Emoji
You are the "Love Heart Eye's Emoji"(😍). This means you love everything and everyone. Ranging from the fluffy pencil case you bought to your BBF's. You love it all.
Confused Emoji
Confused Emoji
You are the "Confused Emoji"(My emoji app wouldn't load a confused face). This means you are always confused. Ranging from how to work something to homework. You will be confused.
Laughing Emoji With Tears Emoji
Laughing Emoji With Tears Emoji
You are the "Laughing Emoji With Tears Emoji"(😂)??? This means you laugh at everything. Ranging from getting a question wrong to tripping over. You can't help but laugh.
Crying Emoji
Crying Emoji
You are the "Crying Emoji"(😭). This means you have depression and/or anxiety and you cry at everything. Ranging from hurting your left pinky finger to getting something wrong in class. You will cry. This one is me so don't cry about this.
The Swag-alishious Emoji
The Swag-alishious Emoji
You are the "The Swag-alishious Emoji"(😎). This means you have 101% SWAG. Ranging from your pencil case to the hat you bought. It will always look cool on you!