What Should You Do On Fourth Of July Weekend?

Take our quiz and find out what your plans SHOULD BE this weekend!

On Air With Ryan Seacrest
Created by On Air With Ryan Seacrest (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jul 5, 2015

Do you like to socialize?

Are you proud to be an American?

Do you even like fireworks?

Finish the lyric: and the rocket’s ___ ____, the bombs bursting in air / gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.

Are you an evening person?

Fourth of July is a holiday that celebrates ...

Pick a firework:

Pick a bird:

Pick your favorite presidential facial hair:

Do you even like Fourth of July?

You should definitely go out to bar, a BBQ, or a party and celebrate AMURRRRICA!

You should definitely go out to bar, a BBQ, or a party and celebrate AMURRRRICA!

It sounds like your ideal night is binge-watching Netflix!

It sounds like your ideal night is binge-watching Netflix!

Your best bet is to go to a park and watch a firework show!

Your best bet is to go to a park and watch a firework show!

Fourth of July doesn't sound like your favorite holiday. Maybe a long nap and wake up on July 5?

Fourth of July doesn't sound like your favorite holiday. Maybe a long nap and wake up on July 5?

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