Can You Pass This Catholic Theology Quiz?
Can You Pass This Catholic Theology Quiz?
How much do you know about the teachings of the Catholic Church?
How much do you know about the teachings of the Catholic Church?

The heresy that states good and evil are equally powerful, and that material things are evil.
Which Is An Official Title Of Mary?
Who formulated the Ontological Argument
Belief that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three characterizations of one God, rather than three distinct "persons" in one God.
The 3 Theological Virtues Are:
Those who die before the parousia will be judged immediately at their deaths. This is known as general judgment.
The glorious return and appearance of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as judge of the living and the dead, at the end of time; the second coming of Christ, when history and all creation will achieve their fulfillment.
In the Latin Rite, when precisely does Transubstantiation occur?
The heresy that states that Jesus Christ had two natures but only one will.
The teaching, formulated at Nicaea that God the Father and God the Son are "of one substance".